My Java checkers engine now has its own - very primitive - GUI based on Swing, and I can let it play games against my other engines. Here is its first game against Cake:
[Event "test game"]
[Date "2009-03-18"]
[Black "Cake 1.8"]
[White "Java engine"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 8-11 29-25 4. 4-8 25-22 5. 12-16 24-19 6. 16-20 19-15 7. 10x19 23x16 8. 6-10 16-12 9. 9-14 18x9 10. 5x14 26-23 11. 2-6 22-18 12. 14-17 21x14 13. 10x17 31-26 14. 6-10 23-19 15. 1-6 19-15 16. 10x19 26-22 17. 17x26 30x16 18. 6-10 28-24 19. 10-15 18-14 20. 15-18 14-10 21. 7x14 16x7 22. 3x10 12x3 23. 18-22 3-7 24. 22-26 7-2 25. 10-15 2-7 26. 15-18 7-10 27. 14-17 10-14 28. 18-22 14x21 29. 26-31 21-17 30. 22-25 17-22 31. 25-30 32-28 32. 30-26 22-25 33. 26-30 25-22 34. 30-26 22-18 35. 26-30 1/2-1/2
This one draw doesn't mean too much of course - in its next game, it got into trouble against simple checkers, but just managed to escape with a draw. There is still a lot of knowledge missing in the evaluation function... And the GUI will need a lot more attention too!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Java perft, again
After some more optimizations my Java perft now runs much faster than before, it is now nearly half as fast as the C code. I would have expected much less from Java and am pleasantly surprised. I'm quite happy already with the Java engine, so now for the hard part - creating an interface....
perft 1 time 1 positions 7 kN/s 7
perft 2 time 1 positions 49 kN/s 49
perft 3 time 1 positions 302 kN/s 302
perft 4 time 1 positions 1469 kN/s 1469
perft 5 time 1 positions 7361 kN/s 7361
perft 6 time 15 positions 36768 kN/s 2451
perft 7 time 1 positions 179740 kN/s 179740
perft 8 time 63 positions 845931 kN/s 13427
perft 9 time 250 positions 3963680 kN/s 15854
perft 10 time 1156 positions 18391564 kN/s 15909
perft 11 time 5437 positions 85242128 kN/s 15678
perft 12 time 24954 positions 388623673 kN/s 15573
perft 1 time 1 positions 7 kN/s 7
perft 2 time 1 positions 49 kN/s 49
perft 3 time 1 positions 302 kN/s 302
perft 4 time 1 positions 1469 kN/s 1469
perft 5 time 1 positions 7361 kN/s 7361
perft 6 time 15 positions 36768 kN/s 2451
perft 7 time 1 positions 179740 kN/s 179740
perft 8 time 63 positions 845931 kN/s 13427
perft 9 time 250 positions 3963680 kN/s 15854
perft 10 time 1156 positions 18391564 kN/s 15909
perft 11 time 5437 positions 85242128 kN/s 15678
perft 12 time 24954 positions 388623673 kN/s 15573
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Java checkers' first sensible game
After improving the evaluation function a bit and after adding some standard search improvements, my Java checkers engine now appears to be playing a good game. It searches 3 million positions per second on my 2GHz Core Duo laptop, and typically gets around 17 ply search depth within a few seconds (that is faster than simple checkers, and a few ply deeper than simple checkers). It can't use endgame databases (yet?!) and has no opening book, but apart from that it is "Cake light" - a simplified version of Cake, using parts of the evaluation and parts of the search strategies that Cake does - but all on a much less complex level. The code is a joy to read compared to the Cake source code :-) (and much shorter). I will still have to improve the "Javaness" of the code - coming from a procedural language, I am writing C-style code in Java...
Here is the first sensible game of the engine playing against itself - red got a winning position but then blew it. But at least this already looks like checkers to me.
[Event "test game"]
[Date "2009-03-08"]
[Black "Java Engine"]
[White "Java Engine"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 8-11 29-25 4. 4-8 25-22 5. 11-16 23-19 6. 16x23 26x19 7. 9-14 18x9 8. 5x14 27-23 9. 8-11 22-18 10. 14-17 21x14 11. 10x17 24-20 12. 17-22 32-27 13. 1-5 30-26 14. 6-10 26x17 15. 10-15 19x10 16. 7x21 23-19 17. 2-7 27-24 18. 21-25 19-16 19. 12x19 24x8 20. 3x12 18-14 21. 25-30 28-24 22. 30-25 31-26 23. 25-21 26-22 24. 21-25 22-18 25. 25-22 18-15 26. 22-26 15-10 27. 5-9 10x3 28. 9x18 24-19 29. 18-22 3-7
Here is the first sensible game of the engine playing against itself - red got a winning position but then blew it. But at least this already looks like checkers to me.
[Event "test game"]
[Date "2009-03-08"]
[Black "Java Engine"]
[White "Java Engine"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 8-11 29-25 4. 4-8 25-22 5. 11-16 23-19 6. 16x23 26x19 7. 9-14 18x9 8. 5x14 27-23 9. 8-11 22-18 10. 14-17 21x14 11. 10x17 24-20 12. 17-22 32-27 13. 1-5 30-26 14. 6-10 26x17 15. 10-15 19x10 16. 7x21 23-19 17. 2-7 27-24 18. 21-25 19-16 19. 12x19 24x8 20. 3x12 18-14 21. 25-30 28-24 22. 30-25 31-26 23. 25-21 26-22 24. 21-25 22-18 25. 25-22 18-15 26. 22-26 15-10 27. 5-9 10x3 28. 9x18 24-19 29. 18-22 3-7
Friday, March 06, 2009
Java checkers' first game
My as yet unnamed Java checkers engine just played its first game against itself! Apparently, there is still some room for improvement...
[Event "Test"]
[Date "3rd March 2009"]
[Black "Java Engine"]
[White "Java Engine"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 8-11 29-25 4. 12-16 25-22 5. 16-20 24-19 6. 9-13 19-16 7. 5-9 28-24 8. 10-15 16-12 9. 6-10 23-19 10. 11-16 18x11 11. 16x23 27x18 12. 20x27 32x23 13. 7x16 22-17 14. 13x22 26x17 15. 9-13 30-26 16. 13x22 26x17 17. 16-20 31-27 18. 4-8 23-19 19. 8-11 17-13 20. 11-16 27-23 21. 20-24 18-14 22. 10x17 21x14 23. 24-27 19-15 24. 27-31 15-11 25. 31-26 23-18 26. 16-20 11-8 27. 26-22 18-15 28. 22-17 15-10 29. 20-24 8-4 30. 2-6 10-7 31. 17x10 7-2 32. 24-28 2x9 33. 1-5 4-8 34. 5x14 13-9 35. 28-32 9-5 36. 10-15 5-1 37. 14-18 8-4 38. 18-23 1-6 39. 23-27 6-2 40. 27-31 2-6 41. 15-11 6-2 42. 31-26 2-6 43. 32-28 6-2 44. 26-23 2-6 45. 23-26 6-2 46. 26-23 2-6 47. 23-26 6-2 48. 26-23 2-6 49. 23-26 6-2 50. 26-23 2-6
and a draw by repetition because it doesn't yet understand the concept of progress...
[Event "Test"]
[Date "3rd March 2009"]
[Black "Java Engine"]
[White "Java Engine"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 8-11 29-25 4. 12-16 25-22 5. 16-20 24-19 6. 9-13 19-16 7. 5-9 28-24 8. 10-15 16-12 9. 6-10 23-19 10. 11-16 18x11 11. 16x23 27x18 12. 20x27 32x23 13. 7x16 22-17 14. 13x22 26x17 15. 9-13 30-26 16. 13x22 26x17 17. 16-20 31-27 18. 4-8 23-19 19. 8-11 17-13 20. 11-16 27-23 21. 20-24 18-14 22. 10x17 21x14 23. 24-27 19-15 24. 27-31 15-11 25. 31-26 23-18 26. 16-20 11-8 27. 26-22 18-15 28. 22-17 15-10 29. 20-24 8-4 30. 2-6 10-7 31. 17x10 7-2 32. 24-28 2x9 33. 1-5 4-8 34. 5x14 13-9 35. 28-32 9-5 36. 10-15 5-1 37. 14-18 8-4 38. 18-23 1-6 39. 23-27 6-2 40. 27-31 2-6 41. 15-11 6-2 42. 31-26 2-6 43. 32-28 6-2 44. 26-23 2-6 45. 23-26 6-2 46. 26-23 2-6 47. 23-26 6-2 48. 26-23 2-6 49. 23-26 6-2 50. 26-23 2-6
and a draw by repetition because it doesn't yet understand the concept of progress...
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Java perft
I just finished debugging a Java checkers move generator - thanks to perft I found some bugs, and just watched the first game of my Java checkers engine played against itself (not a nice sight). Not surprisingly (at least to me), the Java code runs much slower than the C code - I found a factor 3.2 difference. Is that just me, or is it Java??
C (Cake's code without move ordering)
depth 1 positions 7 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 2 positions 49 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 3 positions 302 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 4 positions 1469 time 0.015000 97.9 kN/s
depth 5 positions 7361 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 6 positions 36768 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 7 positions 179740 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 8 positions 845931 time 0.063000 13427.5 kN/s
depth 9 positions 3963680 time 0.156000 25408.2 kN/s
depth 10 positions 18391564 time 0.547000 33622.6 kN/s
depth 11 positions 85242128 time 2.656000 32094.2 kN/s
depth 12 positions 388623673 time 12.266000 31683.0 kN/s
perft 1:7 1ms 7000positions/sec
perft 2:49 1ms 49000positions/sec
perft 3:302 1ms 302000positions/sec
perft 4:1469 17ms 86000positions/sec
perft 5:7361 1ms 7361000positions/sec
perft 6:36768 16ms 2298000positions/sec
perft 7:179740 17ms 10572000positions/sec
perft 8:845931 79ms 10707000positions/sec
perft 9:3963680 392ms 10111000positions/sec
perft 10:18391564 1813ms 10144000positions/sec
perft 11:85242128 8486ms 10045000positions/sec
perft 12:388623673 39141ms 9928000positions/sec
A postscript a couple of days later: I managed to improve my Java code a bit, it is now only 2.3 times slower than the C code. I suppose that is about the best one can hope for with Java - or??
C (Cake's code without move ordering)
depth 1 positions 7 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 2 positions 49 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 3 positions 302 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 4 positions 1469 time 0.015000 97.9 kN/s
depth 5 positions 7361 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 6 positions 36768 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 7 positions 179740 time 0.000000 1.$ kN/s
depth 8 positions 845931 time 0.063000 13427.5 kN/s
depth 9 positions 3963680 time 0.156000 25408.2 kN/s
depth 10 positions 18391564 time 0.547000 33622.6 kN/s
depth 11 positions 85242128 time 2.656000 32094.2 kN/s
depth 12 positions 388623673 time 12.266000 31683.0 kN/s
perft 1:7 1ms 7000positions/sec
perft 2:49 1ms 49000positions/sec
perft 3:302 1ms 302000positions/sec
perft 4:1469 17ms 86000positions/sec
perft 5:7361 1ms 7361000positions/sec
perft 6:36768 16ms 2298000positions/sec
perft 7:179740 17ms 10572000positions/sec
perft 8:845931 79ms 10707000positions/sec
perft 9:3963680 392ms 10111000positions/sec
perft 10:18391564 1813ms 10144000positions/sec
perft 11:85242128 8486ms 10045000positions/sec
perft 12:388623673 39141ms 9928000positions/sec
A postscript a couple of days later: I managed to improve my Java code a bit, it is now only 2.3 times slower than the C code. I suppose that is about the best one can hope for with Java - or??
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