Monday, March 29, 2010

jCheckers web start

I had some trouble to get jCheckers running on my own office PC... so I thought I better try something easier and played around with Java web start and produced the following test page - now that is much cooler!


Steve J said...

Hi Martin,

I only had a few minutes to use it. Looks good. No problems in operations. Played two games vs. Boozer5982 at 5 seconds per move. One win and one draw.
I did not have much time to evaluate. Will do so later.

PDN below.

[Event "BzVsJCheckersByMartinWon"]
[Date "2010-03-30"]
[Black "Bz"]
[White "JCheckers"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 23-19 2. 9-14 27-23 3. 8-11 22-18 4. 15x22 25x9 5. 5x14 29-25 6. 6-9 25-22 7. 9-13
22-18 8. 14-17 21x14 9. 10x17 18-14 10. 17-22 26x17 11. 13x22 23-18 12. 2-6 31-27 13. 3-8
27-23 14. 22-26 32-27 15. 11-16 30-25 16. 26-31 25-22 17. 6-10 14-9 18. 7-11 22-17 19.
31-26 9-5 20. 26-22 18-14 21. 22x13 14x7 22. 16-20 7-3 23. 13-9 3-7 24. 11-15 19x10 25.
8-11 7x16 26. 12x26 24-19 27. 26-30 10-7 28. 4-8 1-0

[Event "jCheckersVsBz5982Draw"]
[Date "2010-03-30"]
[Black "jCheckers"]
[White "Bz"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-17 2. 9-14 25-22 3. 8-11 17-13 4. 4-8 23-19 5. 15-18 22x15 6. 11x18 29-25 7.
10-15 19x10 8. 6x15 26-23 9. 8-11 24-19 10. 15x24 28x19 11. 1-6 30-26 12. 7-10 19-15 13.
10x19 23x7 14. 3x10 27-24 15. 12-16 24-20 16. 16-19 13-9 17. 6x13 26-23 18. 19x26 31x6 19.
2x9 20-16 1/2-1/2

Martin Fierz said...

Hey Steve,

thanks for testing. I see I will have to improve the checkers skills of my Java engine :-)


Rapor said...


I've tried jCheckers on my PC and Mac. It worked fine on PC of course, but on my Mac it would not load.