While I'm at it: If you're looking for a decent program to create installations, try Inno Setup.
On my computers at home, I also use free antivirus software: Anti-Vir personal edition on my desktop computer and AVG free edition on the laptop. I haven't made up my mind as to which one is better.
When it comes to graphics, I use XnView.
I edit my website with Arachnophilia. But I'm not 100% satisfied with it - it's very no-frills, and you need to know your HTML to use it.
How about you? What free software works well for you? I'm only interested in productive software like the above, not in games like CheckerBoard :-)
If you know of a great free program (no NagWare or trial versions!), please add a comment!
You might want to try tortoisesvn (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org). It's easy to use and you wrote in a previous post you didn't use version control systems. Try it! :)
For the things I do I can get away using Linux. I also prefer to edit my webpages by hand and validate them using the HTML tidy (http://tidy.sourceforge.net/) (Not very different from using Arachnophilia).
Software that helps me a lot:
- http://www.gnu.org/software/screen
- http://subversion.tigris.org
- http://www.vim.org
- Mozilla Firefox (http://www.mozilla.org).
- http://gcc.gnu.org/
- http://www.debian.org (the OS).
I forgot to mention Knoppix.
It helps me a lot, too.
When I use Windows, I use Puttt a lot.
I like "irfanview" for simpler graphics work such as scaling and cropping, and The Gimp for heavy duty work. Both freeware.
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