Sunday, February 13, 2011

Playing with graphics for Android checkers

Over the weekend, my wife went on a short hike with our kid and his godmother, giving me a bit of time to play around with the checkers tutor graphics. Here's my current preview, and I think I will leave it at that - I like the looks of it!

I increased the size of the pieces a bit, and used Inkscape to produce pieces with gradients and highlights. Obviously I'm not a graphic artist, but I think they are much nicer than the plain circles I used to have.


NSD said...

Iam a beginner in android games, i want to design the checker board code. Can you send me the code to design the checker board.

Kenneth Gibbons L.L.C. said...

I am a big checker board player. I am going to try out the electronic version. Thanks, Kenneth Gibbons LLC

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