Monday, February 14, 2011

Checkers Tutor 2.1

I just posted Checkers Tutor 2.1 for Android on the Android market. It has a lot of improvements over the previous version:

  • Nicer graphics (see previous post)and new nicer launcher icon
  • A new pushover level where you should be able to win even when moving at random
  • A smoother transition of playing strength when moving up from beginner levels to depth-controlled levels to timed levels. This is done by disabling parts of the evaluation on the lower depth-controlled levels
  • The entire last game is restored now on startup, not only the last position
  • Two small bugs fixed
  • Behind the scenes, a lot of the code was cleaned up

To me, it looks as if it should be the best/nicest checkers app for the Android platform, but obviously I'm rather biased! Now all I need is some customers and some good ratings :-)


Nelson Castillo said...

I already have an android phone where I installed the free Version. I will get a Google nexus S in April and I think I'll buy your program :-)

Martin Fierz said...

Hola Nelson!

...and don't forget to give it a 5-star-rating :-)

best regards

Bungerting Baloner said...

One Swiss franc --- plus who knows what in exchange fees. Of course now that I bought it I will have to write an article or review of it :)

Although my fat fingers have some trouble accurately moving the pieces, this is surely the best Android checker app by a long, long margin.


Bob Newell

Unknown said...

im just about to download it but i see other games checkers games too..

Unknown said...

hello was wondering Which program wins the checkerboard: Cake.1.81?

wanted to know the link?

Martin Fierz said...

Hi Bob,

thanks for your money :-) - and I hope you are enjoying Hawaii!
I'm sorry about the move input being clumsy, but it's tough with an 8x8 board and those small screens.... I could make a 6x6 checkers :-)

In any case, I certainly hope you will review it at some point on your wonderful website!

best regards

Dustin Menoggin said...

have u thought of making this app available for iphone users :)

Kenneth Gibbons L.L.C. said...

I think I'll buy your program when I get a phone that I can down load it on. Great Blog.

Thanks for information
Kenneth Gibbons LLC

Anonymous said...

I have just put this on my MID. You've done a great job, Martin! The only way to seriously improve it would be to add a board set-up option to use it to solve problems or work through strategy. Easily the best $0.99 I have ever spent. Thumbs up!

daniel p.l. said...

enfrente a cake contra sage
y cake lo hizo pedazos
gran trabajo martin

ch1ris23 said...

Hi, my name is chris . I was wondering if by any chance the will be a (checkers Tutor) for the Iphone Os

Teguh Santoso said...

may i have your source code program for my thesis

Unknown said...
For iphone i have recomend this version, it is really pretty

Unknown said...

Hi Martin
I just bought your checkers tutor. It is indeed extremly powerful. Make it a little bit more expensive and implement a save function in the next upcoming version. Regards Volker
P.S. 5 stars are not enough!!!!

javed from Gilgit. said...

I have bought your nice android checker. plz update n make more stronger the engine or make it compatible with kingsrow engine. nowadays alot other android checkers programs have been going on updating their engines on android platform.

Unknown said...

I still can't find the menu on an S6 with Android M

Unknown said...

Hello Martin please reply. its me javed from Gilgit. I bought new samsaung c9pro mobile and checkers tutor installed here from old Samsung galaxy note3 now i don't find menu here in c9pro Samsung mobile. and could not update either as you said in some other person's comments.

pBody said...

Hi Martin,

I am having the same issue as Lloyd mentions above. Neither the 'New Game' nor the 'Help' menus are accessible on a Samsung S20 with Android 11.