Monday, November 21, 2005

CheckerBoard 1.64

CB 1.64 is under way, and will be finished soon. I'll be posting the link to a beta in some days. CB 1.64 will have a small change in the directory structure; this may cause some problems which is why I am going to need you as beta tester! I am also going to need translations of the help file to Italian and German; the help file itself will be slightly updated, but if you feel like translating, you can start on the current help file, there are not many differences. Remember to leave a comment that you're working on the translation so that others can see that this task has been taken care of!


Martin Fierz said...

Hi Kleber,
perhaps I will offer the larger book for download, perhaps I'll try to sell it. I haven't quite made up my mind...

best regards

iryani beauty and collections said...
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iryani beauty and collections said...

hi martin,im from malaysia.the checkers here is slightly different on the capture rule.the rule here is we have the options to choose whether to or not.(american checker is must capture rule) also give options to the player to capture only one although in that move can capture two or three..all other rules is same as the american checkers....can you pls make a free online java game vs comp for us like in

thank you,hope you can respon,tq again